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Reproductive uncertainty: Understanding the regulations on assisted reproductive technologies in China
Tiantian Chen, University of Cambridge
Availability: Forthcoming
$63 £48 €58
Jesuits in Science Fiction: Reason and Revelation on Other Worlds
Edited by
Richard Feist, Saint Paul University
Availability: In stock
318pp. ¦ $111 £88 €103
From their founding in 1540 to this day, Jesuits have been controversial. Their centuries of missionary work have taken them to all corners of the world. They have been accused of killing Kings and Presidents and contributing to colonization and destruction of cultures—even participating in enslavement. But the Jesuits have also been seen as bringers of light and education. With their ferocity of purpose and intellectual rigor, the Jesuits’ impact on world history cannot be ignored. No surprise then, that Jesuits appear in literature, especially that literature of ideas, exploration, and social commentary, otherwise known as science fiction. This unique collection of essays explores how the Jesuit has long been part of science fiction’s history and how Jesuit ideas and characters are featured in some of science fiction’s greatest works. In this collection, we see Jesuits continue their missionary spirit as they take leave of the earth, moving their missionary labors literally towards the heavens. Reason and revelation are now indeed on other worlds. In this collection, we have explorations of philosophy, science, theology, and culture, all done in typical Jesuit fashion, always in various and foreign contexts. This collection is akin to others in its linking of religion and science fiction, but it is unique in its concentration on the Jesuits and science fiction. This collection will be of interest to scholars working and researching in the field of science fiction studies and would be suitable for courses on science fiction. But it will also be of interest and accessible to those of us who simply love science fiction for its power to explore other worlds and, in this case, to take some of the deepest human reflections, namely those on God, morals and culture, lift them up, and see what forms they may take on other worlds.
Los jesuitas y la gestión religiosa intercultural a principios de la Edad Moderna
Capital humano, mentalidad global y obra misionera en Japón y Perú durante los siglos XVI y XVII
Frank Jacob, Nord University, Norway
Availability: In stock
234pp. ¦ $77 £61 €71
Este libro analiza el papel del capital humano y la mentalidad global de la exitosa gestión intercultural de la Compañía de Jesús en los contextos geográficos de Japón y Perú durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Evalúa y analiza datos históricos de más de 200 jesuitas según la teoría de gestión moderna. El trabajo es, por tanto, un estudio interdisciplinario relacionado con la historia de las órdenes religiosas, la expansión europea, la gestión transcultural o intercultural, y muestra cómo los misioneros jesuitas en Japón y Perú lograron y estimularon una expansión exitosa de la influencia de su orden en estas regiones del mundo. Si bien analiza un tema histórico, el libro también será de interés para los gerentes de hoy en día, y para todos aquellos interesados en crear una exitosa estrategia para la gestión intercultural.
Central Banking and Monetary Policy in the G20: Paradigms and Challenges
Edited by
Irfan Kalayci, İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey
Availability: Forthcoming
$135 £104 €124
Behind productive and prosperous economies are independent central banks that implement effective monetary policies. This observation is especially valid for the G20, which comprises the world’s top twenty economies in terms of gross domestic product and the largest stakeholders of the global economic system. These economies include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union. Three features of this book, which focuses on central banking and monetary policy in the G20, an intergovernmental platform, stand out: Firstly, as contemporary theories and global practices confirm, the main purpose of central banks is to ensure monetary and price stability, not despite the government but in cooperation with it. This principle is strongly emphasized here. Governments, which must maintain fiscal discipline, are key to the success of central banks in combating inflation and deflation. Secondly, since the authors of the book chapters come from various countries and academic institutions, the book offers a range of perspectives and intellectual richness. Without deviating from the book's main axis, the authors examine the changing paradigms in central banking and the increasing challenges of monetary policy. This examination is based on developed and emerging economies, integrations, financial organizations, and economic crises within the G20, informed by significant sources. Thirdly, this book offers university researchers, professional business practitioners, and curious readers the opportunity to explore and reflect on new concepts such as green central banking, digital money, and interest-free monetary policies, which have gained prominence in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, alongside mainstream topics. It is hoped that this book, consisting of 14 chapters, will inspire those who wish to conduct new and renewed academic studies on global central banks and monetary policies and will fill a gap in the literature.
Untangling Whiteness: Education, Resistance and Transformation
Jennifer Gale de Saxe, Victoria University of Wellington
Availability: In stock
188pp. ¦ $57 £45 €53
With the prominence of workshops, trainings, and anti-racist books popping up over the past few years, it may seem confusing as to what it really means to engage in deliberate and meaningful learning that challenges the many facets of racism and whiteness. 'Untangling Whiteness' directly interrogates the assumption that the teaching and learning about race and whiteness, particularly within the university context, can be condensed to one course, one workshop, or even a few trainings. It is a life-long process that may begin in one university classroom, but must continue as part of who we are as unfinished and undetermined beings. Through a deep and multi-faceted interrogation of racism and white supremacy, this book untangles critical theories of race, whiteness and resistance in an accessible and dialogical manner. It also situates whiteness in Aotearoa, New Zealand, demonstrating the importance of context and location when working to undermine and challenge it. As a theoretical provocation of existing scholarship on race and white supremacy, 'Untangling Whiteness' is underpinned by educating for critical consciousness, as well as a phenomenological engagement that aims to both interpret the world differently and transform it.