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Series editor: Court D. Lewis, Pellissippi State Community College.
The philosophical examination of forgiveness has flourished and evolved over the past ten years. Early examinations were Kantian-based, focusing on the duties of victims and wrongdoers. More recent examinations have moved away from Kantian explanations. The two most prominent books on forgiveness, Charles Griswold’s Forgiveness: A Philosophical Exploration (2007) and Margaret Holmgren’s Forgiveness and Retribution (2012), are both grounded in virtue ethics. A utilitarian account can be found in Geoffrey Scarre’s After Evil: Responding to Wrongdoing (2004), and Kathryn Norlock offers a feminist account in Forgiveness from a Feminist Perspective (2009). Authors such as Glen Pettigrove (2012) and Nicholas Wolterstorff (2012) respectively offer accounts based on love and grace. These works (and many others) have generated even more interest in forgiveness studies, and they have inspired new and fascinating approaches to the topic. Vernon Press’s series on the Philosophy of Forgiveness will continue the vibrant and rich philosophical dialogue, while at the same time illuminating new approaches and previously overlooked perspectives. The series gives authors from around the globe an outlet to delve into ancient, contemporary, and cutting-edge research on the philosophy of forgiveness and its related topics, such as revenge, repentance, and reconciliation. Each volume will center on a theme, or set of related themes, and will incorporate philosophical insights from theology, psychology, literature, sociology, and among others, peace studies. The series is ideal for academic research and for those who have a serious interest in the philosophical dimensions of forgiveness. Each volume could be used as the main or supplemental text of a course on forgiveness, or its related topics.
Forgiveness Confronts Race, Relationships, and the Social
The Philosophy of Forgiveness - Volume V
Edited by
Court D. Lewis, Pellissippi State Community College
Availability: In stock
256pp. ¦ $84 £65 €72
'Forgiveness Confronts Race, Relationships, and the Social', Volume V of Vernon Press’s The Philosophy of Forgiveness series, is an exercise in listening. Listening to others, and not just waiting for them to stop speaking, requires a willingness to recognize the worth of the other and to believe that what they say is worthy of consideration. Much like reading a book, one must strive to quiet the constant voice in one’s head in order to hear and process the information communicated. Listening is not always easy, and it takes considerable practice, but it is one of the most effective means for developing understanding and growing as an intellectual and moral person. Literature dealing with forgiveness lacks many important voices, including those from First Peoples, African American, LatinX, and LGTBQ+ , and many others, and the authors of 'Forgiveness Confronts Race, Relationships, and the Social' begin the task of closing these gaps, discussing topics from folk and other social and political issues to racism, systems of oppression, and religion. The authors were asked to explore forgiveness from their own understandings of underrepresented aspects of forgiveness, and readers will hopefully be enlightened and inspired to make their own diverse voices of forgiveness heard, creating a true dialogue of diversity and wisdom.
The Philosophy of Forgiveness – Volume IV
Christian Perspectives on Forgiveness
Edited by
Gregory L. Bock, The University of Texas at Tyler
Availability: In stock
244pp. ¦ $62 £49 €54
The Philosophy of Forgiveness, Volume IV: Christian Perspectives on Forgiveness is a collection of essays that explores different Christian views on forgiveness. Each essay takes up a different topic, such as the nature of divine forgiveness, the basis for forgiving our enemies, and the limits of forgiveness. In some chapters, the views of different philosophers and theologians are explored, figures such as St. John Climacus, Bonaventure, and Nietzsche. In other chapters, the concept of forgiveness is analyzed in light of historical events, such as the Nickel Mines shooting, the Charleston shooting, and the Armenian genocide. The contributors to the volume come from different backgrounds, including philosophy, theology, and psychology. The essays are written for scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and theology, as well as graduate students and upper-division undergraduate students.
The Philosophy of Forgiveness: Volume III
Forgiveness in World Religions
Edited by
Gregory L. Bock, The University of Texas at Tyler
Availability: In stock
216pp. ¦ $59 £43 €49
The Philosophy of Forgiveness, Volume III: Forgiveness in World Religions is a collection of essays that explores the philosophy of forgiveness in different religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Each chapter scours one of these religions for insights on the concept of forgiveness, asking questions such as whether forgiveness is a virtue, whether it is conditional, whether God has standing to forgive, and whether it is permissible not to forgive some extreme wrongs. In some of the chapters, the concept of forgiveness in one religion is compared with that in another. In other chapters, the ideas of different traditions within a religion are compared and contrasted. Also, some chapters compare a religious concept to the views of a philosophical figure, such as Aristotle, Kant, or Derrida. The contributors to the volume come from various cultural and religious backgrounds and from different disciplines, such as philosophy, religious studies, and psychology. The collection is written for scholars, graduate students, and upper-division undergraduate students interested in forgiveness or comparative religious philosophy.
The Philosophy of Forgiveness - Volume II
New Dimensions of Forgiveness
Edited by
Court D. Lewis, Pellissippi State Community College
Availability: In stock
321pp. ¦ $55 £35 €45
Volume II of Vernon Press’s series on the Philosophy of Forgiveness offers several challenging and provocative chapters that seek to push the conversation in new directions and dimensions. Volume I, Explorations of Forgiveness: Personal, Relational, and Religious, began the task of creating a consistent multi-dimensional account of forgiveness, and Volume II’s New Dimensions of Forgiveness continues this goal by presenting a set of chapters that delve into several deep conceptual and metaphysical features of forgiveness. New Dimensions of Forgiveness creates a theoretical framework for understanding the many nuanced features of forgiveness, namely, third-party forgiveness, forgiveness as an aesthetic process, the role of resentment in warranting forgiveness, the moral status of self-forgiveness, epistemic trust, forgiveness’s influence on the moral status of persons, forgiveness in time, the status of Substance and Subject within a Hegelian framework, Jacques Derrida’s “impossible” forgiveness, and the use of imaginative “magic” to become a maximal forgiver. Readers will be challenged to question and come to terms with many oft-overlooked, yet important philosophical dimensions of forgiveness.
The Philosophy of Forgiveness - Volume I
Explorations of Forgiveness: Personal, Relational, and Religious
Edited by
Court D. Lewis, Pellissippi State Community College
Availability: In stock
294pp. ¦ $55 £35 €45
Volume II of Vernon Press’s series on the Philosophy of Forgiveness offers several challenging and provocative chapters that seek to push the conversation in new directions and dimensions. Volume I, Explorations of Forgiveness: Personal, Relational, and Religious, began the task of creating a consistent multi-dimensional account of forgiveness, and Volume II’s New Dimensions of Forgiveness continues this goal by presenting a set of chapters that delve into several deep conceptual and metaphysical features of forgiveness. New Dimensions of Forgiveness creates a theoretical framework for understanding the many nuanced features of forgiveness, namely, third-party forgiveness, forgiveness as an aesthetic process, the role of resentment in warranting forgiveness, the moral status of self-forgiveness, epistemic trust, forgiveness’s influence on the moral status of persons, forgiveness in time, the status of Substance and Subject within a Hegelian framework, Jacques Derrida’s “impossible” forgiveness, and the use of imaginative “magic” to become a maximal forgiver. Readers will be challenged to question and come to terms with many oft-overlooked, yet important philosophical dimensions of forgiveness.