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Automata’s Inner Movie: Science and Philosophy of Mind
Edited by
Manuel Curado, University of Minho, Portugal
and Steven S. Gouveia, University of Porto, Portugal
Availability: In stock
387pp. ¦ $66 £50 €56
This book brings together researchers from a variety of fields to jointly present and discuss some of the most relevant problems around the conscious mind. This academic plurality perfectly characterizes the complexity with which a current researcher is confronted to discuss and work on this topic. The volume is organized as follows: Part I introduces the general problems of Philosophy of Mind and some historical perspectives. Part II focuses on understanding the input that the empirical sciences can offer to the theoretical problems. Part III discusses some of the core concepts of the field, namely, perception, memory and experience. Part IV debates human and artificial intelligence and, finally, Part V deliberates about the computation and the ethics of big data and artificial intelligence. The book contains valuable material for researchers in several fields such as Cognitive Science and Neuroscience, Psychology and Artificial Intelligence, and Philosophy. It can also be used as a guide to some courses at various levels, from BAs to MAs and PhD courses of several fields. It is our belief, as it is claimed in the preface by Georg Northoff, that there is an urgent need for a truly transdisciplinary exchange between philosophy and the sciences in order to stimulate some real progress. We hope that this book will become a sound step for such an interdisciplinary enterprise.
Emotional intelligence: Does it really matter?
A guide to coping with stressful experiences
July 2019 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-679-9Availability: In stock
280pp. ¦ $60 £45 €51
What really is emotional intelligence? This book, aimed primarily at the university academic and those working and/or studying in higher education, seeks to help readers understand the term and the role emotional intelligence plays in education and business. It clearly identifies and critiques the three main models: the ability model (Salovey and Mayer), the mixed Model (Goleman, Bar-On) and the trait model (Petrides and Furnham). It discusses eustress, distress and chronic stress, reflecting on the effects negative types of stress can have on the human body, demonstrating how the modern workplace can lead to burnout. It emphasizes the importance of a healthy work/life balance while acknowledging the demands and pressures placed on organisations to compete within the global marketplace. It also explores how one may understand and process emotions, considering terms such as “learned optimism” and “learned helplessness”. Room for discussion is also given to the influence of bullying and harassment in the workplace and types of therapy that are presently available. It discusses strategies for coping with challenging experiences, providing anecdotes and case studies from university academics. It also considers how personality relates to emotional intelligence and how people cope with challenging experiences. The book delves into the term “intelligence”, showing how theories surrounding the concept have developed over the twentieth century; and it elucidates the link between emotional intelligence and wellbeing. The author discusses the effect stress can have on human telomeres (thus shortening lifespan) and sheds light on the darker sides of human nature, such as the so-called “dark triad” personality traits (psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellian behaviour). Overall, the book is dedicated to the vital question: “Emotional intelligence: does it really matter?”
Selflessness in Business
Edited by
Dominika Ochnik, University of Opole, Poland
Availability: In stock
208pp. ¦ $44 £33 €38
The book deals with a controversial and seemingly paradoxical relationship between selflessness and business. It depicts the primary and lasting controversy between the selfish (egoistic, competitive) and selfless (pro-social, co-operative) behavior in view of social, organizational and individual benefits. Therefore, it takes a step towards finding a solution to some of the challenges of the twenty-first century, particularly sustainable growth. The miscellaneous and transatlantic background of the Authors origins (USA, Colombia, Germany, Poland, UK, Spain) and their various perspectives (psychological, economic or philosophical) guarantee multi-voiced argumentation for strong relationships between selflessness and business. Selflessness is understood from a social perspective as related to self-transcendence and connectedness to others. This perspective can be helpful in providing a deeper understanding of pro-social behavior in organizations and its implications for productivity and effectiveness. The manifestations of this approach can be found in acts such as organizational altruism, loyalty, quantum leadership, or pro-social vocational interests. One can make an in-depth analysis of selflessness’s manifestations on a social, organizational and individual level. The ensuing question is how to achieve self-regulation in order to maintain sustainable growth, and selflessness turns out to be the answer. This book offers strong evidence for high organizational and individual benefits stemming from selfless behavior. Therefore, it is not selfish behavior that enables and encourages productivity and effectiveness but rather selfless behavior. The book also tackles gender issues in business, especially regarding the social female role as being traditionally related to selflessness. The authors aim to reveal possible solutions to present and future challenges and enhance the meaning of positive outcomes of selfless behavior in business and work environments, which seems to be crucial and indispensable for future growth. The book will be useful not only for academic and business specialists but also for everyone interested in a broader perspective at contemporary challenges of business and organizational psychology.
Conversations on Irving Street: Josiah Royce’s Contribution to Symbolic Interactionism
Edited by
Corey Reiner
and Frank Tridico
Availability: In stock
124pp. ¦ $42 £31 €36
What influence did Josiah Royce’s academic work (1913-1917) have on the development of classical Symbolic Interactionist thought? And which philosophical influences shaped Royce’s social and philosophical thought? This book provides a holistic approach to Royce’s academic work and the social philosophy that shaped Symbolic Interactionist theory. By critically evaluating the works of Royce, this book reveals how his ideas and social philosophy made significant contributions to both Symbolic Interactionist thought and sociological theory. Situating his contributions within a socio-historical time frame, Royce’s social philosophy is compared and contrasted to the major concepts of George Herbert Mead (Mind, Self, and Society) and Herbert Blumer’s core synthesized components of classical symbolic interactionist thought (Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method). Thus, demonstrating that Royce’s later academic works closely resemble not only the basic ideas of Mead but also have a strong correspondence with Blumer’s synthesis of the three basic premises and eight root images that outline the theoretical core of Symbolic Interactionist thought. For those looking to investigate or discover new aspects of symbolic interactionist theory from a classical viewpoint, this book offers a unique insight into an American philosopher whose contribution to the development of Symbolic Interactionism has been largely unnoticed.
The Neurobiology-Psychotherapy-Pharmacology Intervention Triangle
The need for common sense in 21st century mental health
Edited by
João G. Pereira, Casa de Alba, Romão de Sousa Foundation, Portugal et al.
Availability: In stock
368pp. ¦ $66 £52 €57
This book intends to open the debate between three main aspects of clinical practice: psychotherapy (including psychological and philosophical influences), neurobiology and pharmacology. These three main themes are clinically applied in what we call the “Intervention Triangle”. The book will first focus on epistemologically distinct frameworks and gradually attempt to consider the integration of these three fundamental vertexes of practice. These vertexes are substantially unbalanced in the mental health field, and thus, this book tries to make sense of this phenomenon. Unique in its interdisciplinary and comprehensive view of mental health problems and approaches, this book offers a new perspective on unidisciplinary integration that previous publications have not considered. As an innovative contribution to its field, this volume will be particularly relevant to practitioners working towards integrative frameworks. It will also be of interest to students, clinicians and researchers, in particular, those working in psychology, medicine, psychiatry, philosophy, social work, and pharmacy.
rock philosophy: meditations on art and desire
July 2018 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-441-2Availability: In stock
144pp. ¦ $55 £39 €45
Is the creative act like a volcano: an outburst that lights up the universe? This volume connects reason with desire and the arts in ways that enable us to imagine how creativity can bring us closer to the truth. The artistic quest for freedom stands in stark contrast to philosophy's call to subordinate art to reason and tradition. The struggle between them has culminated in artistic attempts to subsume philosophical matters within the domain of art. One central question in this study is what the consequences will be of a final dissolution of the boundary between the two domains: will all that remains of the artwork be an abstract howl of the rock – our rock, the planet – itself?
Madness Reimagined: Envisioning a Better System of Mental Health in America
Leonard A. Steverson, Flagler College
Availability: In stock
196pp. ¦ $58 £42 €48
Madness Reimagined: Envisioning a Better System of Mental Health in America provides a comprehensive analysis of the current mental health system in the United States. Presented from a sociological rather than a psychological perspective, this book seeks to provide readers with an extensive but accessible look at its history, the current mental health treatment modalities, the various mental health practitioners, the different conditions known as mental health disorders, as well as strategies for improving the system. Trained both in clinical and applied therapy and sociology, the author aims to provide a balance to the work that other books on mental health often lack. As a result, this book proposes a dual approach to the study of mental health. Dr. Steverson acknowledges that while disorders and treatment modalities require a micro-level (intrapsychic) approach, the overall analysis of the mental health system demands a macro-level (sociological) approach. Due to the recent changes in the American healthcare system and the concerns this has raised, this book is a necessary and important contribution to its field. It also reflects a growing desire from the public to better understand this subject as mental health issues continue to gain visibility in the public eye. Free of psychological jargon and in an accessible format, this book will not only appeal to academics and students, but also to mental health consumers, their families, and people who are interested in advocacy.
Enjoying the Operatic Voice: A Neuropsychoanalytic Exploration of the Operatic Reception Experience
June 2018 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-415-3Availability: In stock
308pp. ¦ $64 £46 €52
There has been a long-standing and mutually-informing association between psychoanalysis, literature and the arts. Surprisingly, given the oral/aural basis of the ‘talking cure’, music has largely been overlooked by psychoanalysis. Notably, neuroscientific research investigating music reception and production has been steadily increasing in range and scope over the years. However, in order to avoid confounding factors, empirical studies have focused primarily on non-vocal music. Remarkably, operatic vocal music has not featured prominently in either field. Yet the multi-dimensional, multi-layered nature of opera, which fuses together a number of different arts, would appear to provide fertile soil for both disciplines. This book aims to fill that gap, providing a stepping stone for further research. It leverages the individual strengths of psychoanalysis and neuroscience both separately and jointly as the inter-discipline of neuropsychoanalysis. By combining various theories of mind with knowledge about music processing in the brain, this book comprehensively examines the operatic reception experience, providing an account in subjective as well as objective terms. It explores the bittersweet enjoyment of operatic vocal music, which can literally move an operaphile to tears. The explanation for this may be found in a number of subjective dynamics that are unique to the reception of opera, rather than in any distinct objective neural processes, which are common to the reception of all music. These subjective dynamics, which are recruited during neural processing, are triggered by the equally unique features of the operatic voice, in combination with a number of auxiliary elements that are specific to opera. This book will be of interest to academics in a broad range of science and arts disciplines related to music perception and performance, such as music psychology and operatic performance. It may also appeal to passionate operaphiles who wish to understand what drives their addiction!
A Global Perspective on Friendship and Happiness
Edited by
Tim Madigan, St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York and Bertrand Russell Society
and Tim Delaney, State University of New York at Oswego
Availability: In stock
206pp. ¦ $59 £42 €48
In A Global Perspective on Friendship and Happiness, editors Tim Delaney and Tim Madigan have organized a collection of original articles on the subjects of friendship and happiness. Each of these chapters offers a unique perspective and serves as worthy contributions to the field of friendship and happiness studies. The chapters found in this publication are the result of the "Happiness & Friendship" conference held June 12-14, 2017 at Mount Melleray Abbey, Waterford, Ireland. The contributing authors come from many diverse countries and academic disciplines thus enhancing this outstanding volume.
Symbolic Interactionism: The Basics
Charles Quist-Adade, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada
Availability: In stock
218pp. ¦ $60 £42 €48
This book is a survey of Symbolic Interaction. In thirteen short chapters, it traces the history, the social philosophical roots, the founders, “movers and shakers” and evolution of the theory. Symbolic Interactionism: The Basics takes the reader along the exciting, but tortuous journey of the theory and explores both the meta-theoretical and mini-theoretical roots and branches of the theory. Symbolic interactionism or sociological social psychology traces its roots to the works of United States sociologists George Hebert Mead, Charles Horton Cooley, and Herbert Blumer, and a Canadian sociologist, Erving Goffman; Other influences are Harold Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodology and Austrian-American Alfred Schutz’s study of Phenomenology. Symbolic Interactionism: Basics explores the philosophical sources of symbolic interactionism, including pragmatism, social behaviorism, and neo-Hegelianism. The intellectual origins of symbolic interactions can be attributed to the works of William James, George Simmel, John Dewey, Max Weber, and George Herbert Mead. Mead is believed to be the founder of the theory, although he did not publish any academic work on the paradigm. The book highlights the works of the intellectual heirs of symbolic interactionism— Herbert Blumer, Mead’s former student, who was instrumental in publishing the lectures his former professor posthumously with the title Symbolic Interactionism, Erving Goffman and Robert Park.
Forget Me Not: The Neuroethical Case Against Memory Manipulation
Peter A. DePergola II, University of Massachusetts Medical School; College of Our Lady of the Elms
Availability: In stock
312pp. ¦ $64 £48 €54
The first philosophical monograph on the ethics of memory manipulation (MM), "Forget Me Not: The Neuroethical Case Against Memory Manipulation" contends that any attempt to directly and intentionally erase episodic memories poses a grave threat to the human condition that cannot be justified within a normative moral calculus. Grounding its thesis in four evidential effects – namely, (i) MM disintegrates autobiographical memory, (ii) the disintegration of autobiographical memory degenerates emotional rationality, (iii) the degeneration of emotional rationality decays narrative identity, and (iv) the decay of narrative identity disables one to seek, identify, and act on the good – DePergola argues that MM cannot be justified as a morally licit practice insofar as it disables one to seek, identify, and act on the good. A landmark achievement in the field of neuroethics, this book is a welcome addition to both the scholarly and professional community in philosophical and clinical bioethics.
Nietzsche Trauma and Overcoming
The Psychology of the Psychologist
September 2017 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-294-4Availability: In stock
178pp. ¦ $57 £47 €54
"Nietzsche Trauma and Overcoming " shows that Nietzsche suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and most probably was a victim of childhood sex abuse. I bring convincing evidence from his texts to support these claims, along with a discussion of corroborating psychological findings on these issues. I show that he teaches coping with pain and suffering, based on his life experience, with lessons from the school of war, the wisdom of reinterpretation, and artistic activity. His three themes of the Superman, Eternal Recurrence, and the Will to Power, the heart of his philosophy and psychology, are understood in a new light, in relation to his personal suffering and overcoming. The book criticizes the attempts to diagnose Nietzsche as suffering from various psychiatric disorders, psychoanalyze him as a fatherless child grown old, and outing him as a closet homosexual. These approaches lead to a dead-end. Firstly, it is impossible to prove that someone is a paragon of mental health, not a covert homosexual, and unmoved by a parent’s death. Secondly, these speculations explain only a small part of Nietzsche’s personal statements, found in his writings. Thirdly, and most importantly, they do not change our understanding of his ideas and how they were arrived at; they do not increase our appreciation of him; and do not leave us with any lessons for life (the goal of any good writing according to Nietzsche).
Cognitive Science: Recent Advances and Recurring Problems
Edited by
Joao Eduardo Kogler Jr., University of Sao Paulo, Brazil et al.
Availability: In stock
324pp. ¦ $75 £60 €69
This book consists of an edited collection of original essays of the highest academic quality by seasoned experts in their fields of cognitive science. The essays are interdisciplinary, drawing from many of the fields known collectively as “the cognitive sciences.” Topics discussed represent a significant cross-section of the most current and interesting issues in cognitive science. Specific topics include matters regarding machine learning and cognitive architecture, the nature of cognitive content, the relationship of information to cognition, the role of language and communication in cognition, the nature of embodied cognition, selective topics in visual cognition, brain connectivity, computation and simulation, social and technological issues within the cognitive sciences, and significant issues in the history of neuroscience. This book will be of interest to both professional researchers and newer students and graduate students in the fields of cognitive science—including computer science, linguistics, philosophy, psychology and neuroscience. The essays are in English and are designed to be as free as possible of technical jargon and therefore accessible to young scholars and to scholars who are new to the cognitive neurosciences. In addition to several entries by single authors, the book contains several interesting roundtables where researchers contribute answers to a central question presented to those in the focus group on one of the core areas listed above. This exciting approach provides a variety of perspectives from across disciplines on topics of current concern in the cognitive sciences.
Free Will, Neuroethics, Psychology and Theology
Geran F. Dodson, University of North Georgia
Availability: In stock
170pp. ¦ $60 £50 €57
The topic of human free will has received more attention in the past several years due to the important discoveries of neuroscience but no consensus of opinion is evident in related disciplines. The traditional approach to understanding free will in philosophy employs conceptual analysis to determine whether humans have freedom of choice. Theology affirms that every person has free choice although God is somehow behind all human decisions. Evolutionary psychology points to human behavior as the product of biological processes and antecedent events. And neuroethics attempts to define what it means to be a thinking moral agent by investigating how neurons in the brain and chemical interactions combine to produce conscious actions. An assessment and evaluation of these various positions is given in light of the evidence. The issue of whether a person can be held morally responsible for their actions hinges on whether those actions originate from free will or are the result of determinism. Theology makes assumptions of the existence of an absolute deity that has a hand in human decision making, but there is no agreement regarding the nature of that intervention. Recent scientific discoveries confront traditionally held religious beliefs and necessitate the creation of a new theology and articles of faith.
Self-Preservation at the Center of Personality
Superego and Ego Ideal in the Regulation of Safety
November 2016 / ISBN: 978-1-62273-103-9Availability: In stock
184pp. ¦ $45 £35 €42
The book discusses personality as a unified set of evolved and culturally developed structures that serves a single and definable purpose, to maintain the individual’s safety, in the context of dyadic relationships, group processes and more abstract and fluid social configurations. The infant-mother relationship remains the blueprint for modes of relating to the social surround, at whatever level of complexity, and for approximating the sense of safety originally provided by the mother. The personality is organized around the need to maintain self-esteem, thereby preserving the individual’s sense of safety and warding off deep-seated paranoid anxiety, which signals the potential of annihilation of the self. Paranoid anxiety is the counterpart of intraspecific aggression and the potential of the group as a whole to attack and annihilate the individual. Paranoid anxiety, which was recognized by Melanie Klein as playing a critical role in infant development, is not overcome as development proceeds but remains latent, buried under layers of personality organization that are essentially concerned with sourcing recognition and approval from the social environment, thereby inhibiting others’ aggression and guarding against annihilation of the self. The book adds to self psychology (Kohut) by showing how the principle of self-preservation underpins all aspects of normal and abnormal character dynamics. It integrates self psychology with other branches psychoanalytic theory and revives the link between psychoanalysis and ethology. Ethology (Lorenz, Hass, Eibl-Eibesfeldt) has provided insights into how interrelated intraspecific aggression and appeasement gestures are critically important for the evolution of social behavior in higher animals as well as for cultural evolution in humans, insights that allow, more generally, for a bridging of the gap between psychoanalysis and the biology of social behavior. Furthermore, an evolutionary approach to character dynamics and related social phenomena will have important implications for understanding psychopathological vulnerabilities and self-perpetuating processes in mental illness.