The Dark Side of Speech

A Disenchanted Report on the Decade that Preceded the Invasion of Ukraine

by Carlo Penco (University of Genoa, Italy)

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What is disinformation, and why does it matter? How can we understand and detect different kinds of disinformation? The book's four parts provide the reader with answers and a deeper understanding of various concepts and events: (1) On notions of post-truth and fake news, with examples from the last decade. (2) On the notion of conspiracy theory and the influence of “narratives” that obfuscate the truth of the matter. (3) On the role of algorithms in propaganda and their impact on freedom of expression. (4) On “emergency tools” for detecting disinformation at an individual level, understanding the most hidden mechanisms of the dark side of the speech.

From the preface by John Perry (Stanford University):
“What to do with this book? Read it from start to finish; it is fascinating. Alternatively, pick out a topic, study the index and learn all about it. I think the book would make a great text for an undergraduate course --- a semester or even a year. But by picking one topic or another, historical or philosophical or a combination, one could put together a great lecture or a seminar. If you find your kids seduced by bullshit from the internet, set them down and explain where it really came from. And for that matter, use the book to help determine whether your own beliefs are information or disinformation.”

John Perry

PART I Alternative Facts
Chapter 1 Back to Symbolic Communication
Chapter 2 Post Truth: Structure and Origin
Chapter 3 Information Disorder and Ways of Deceiving
Chapter 4 Tools of Deception: Manipulating Pictures
Chapter 5 Tools for Deceiving: Videomaking and Deep Fake
Chapter 6 Fake News: Definitions and Updates
Chapter 7 The Mother of all Fake News: Pizza Connection
Chapter 8 Satanism, Christianity, and Cooking
Chapter 9 QAnon in the US and Europe
Chapter 10 From the “Hoax” of COVID-19 to Kung Flu
Chapter 11 Coronavirus and Scientific Fake News
Chapter 12 The Force and the Weakness of Assertion

Chapter 13 Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories
Chapter 14 Flat Earth and the Sages of Sion
Chapter 15 Holocaust Denial and the Great Replacement
Chapter 16 Who Are the Whites? Statistics, DNA, and Terrorism
Chapter 17 Polarization, Election Fraud, and Attacks on Parliaments
Chapter 18 The Pandemic: Democracy or Totalitarianism?
Chapter 19 Overlapping of Narratives on Lockdowns for COVID-19
Chapter 20 The Monstruous Imposition of Face Masks
Chapter 21 No Vax!
Chapter 22 The Profiteers: Not Only Big Pharma
Chapter 23 The Nazi Short-Circuit and the Practice of Projection
Chapter 24 Village Healers –Trust and Trustworthiness

Chapter 25 Big Data and the Limits of Algorithms
Chapter 26 Infowars and Trolls: Learning From Finland
Chapter 27 “Pouring Shit Into the Minds of Europeans.” Troll Factories
Chapter 28 Trolls in the US Elections
Chapter 29 The Tip of the Iceberg: Cambridge Analytica
Chapter 30 Spreading Lies From Brazil to France: Trolls and Bots
Chapter 31 Chains of Disinformation, Legislation, and the Public Arena
Chapter 32 Free Speech and Hate Speech: Alternative Narratives
Chapter 33 Comedians, the Big Divide, and the Metastasizing of the Alt-Right
Chapter 34 Limits of “Liberal” Freedom of Speech: A Philosopher’s Point of View
Chapter 35 The Big Problem: Free Press
Chapter 36 Accountability

Chapter 37 Baloney Detection Kit
Chapter 38 The Best Trick: Telling the Truth
Chapter 39 Implicit Dimensions: Insinuations in Context
Chapter 40 Implicit Dimensions: Presuppositions
Chapter 41 Presupposition and Conceptual Blending
Chapter 42 Implicitly Offensive and Toxic Speech
Chapter 43 Biases and Stereotypes: Self-Deception
Chapter 44 Stereotypes in Cancel Culture and Politically Correctness
Chapter 45 Biases, Probabilities and Deaths
Chapter 46 Find the Cheater, Find the Culprit
Chapter 47 Both Sides of the Story
Chapter 48 Sources of Information and Trust


After receiving his master’s degree in philosophy at the University of Genoa (Italy), Carlo Penco went to Oxford to study with Sir Michael Dummett, of whom he translated the introduction to 'Frege: Philosophy of Language'. He taught philosophy of science at the University of Salento in southern Italy and later philosophy of language at the University of Genoa, where he became a full professor in 2005. He spent one academic year at the University of Pittsburgh, where he attended a seminar with
Robert Brandom and John McDowell, and he spent a period of research at the Institute of Philosophy in Senate House, London, in 2014, the year that started the discussion about Brexit. He has published books and papers on Frege and Wittgenstein and on different topics in the philosophy of language, mainly on context dependence, definite descriptions, demonstratives, and slurs. He edited many collections, among which: 'Explaining the Mental' (Cambridge S.P. 2007) with Michael Beaney and Massimiliano Vignolo, 'What is Said and What is Not. On the boundary between semantics and pragmatics' (CSLI, Chicago U.P. 2013) with Filippo Domaneschi, a reading on context dependence in the philosophy of language and a popular book, 'I take it back. Uses and Abuses of Insinuations' [in Italian] (2016). He now teaches Theories of Communication, working on different aspects of pragmatics, from Speech acts to implicatures and presuppositions (on which he has also done some experimental work).

Events: Brexit, Cambridge Analytica, Election manipulation, January 6th, Brazil Elections, US Elections,
Concepts: Algorithms, Assertion, Bias, Conceptual Blending, Conspiracy Theories, Disinformation, Fake News, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Implicatures, Insinuations, Journalism, Narration, Post-Truth, Presuppositions, Slurs, Speech Acts, Social Philosophy of language, Supremacism

See also

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

The Dark Side of Speech

Book Subtitle

A Disenchanted Report on the Decade that Preceded the Invasion of Ukraine





Number of pages


Physical size

236mm x 160mm


49 B&W

Publication date

June 2024